Project: RIZZipe

RIZZipe is a desktop recipe book application used for busy cooks who want to track their recipes. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Code contributed: RepoSense link

New Features:

  • Find-by-property (#127, #165)
    • What it does: Allow users to filter recipes by various criteria, e.g. recipe names, tags, or ingredients.
    • Justification: Enables users to efficiently look for recipes that they want.
    • Highlights:
      • Implemented the find-by-property feature using generics, so that any additional filter criteria in the future can be easily introduced.

Enhancements to existing features:

  • Refactored logic and parser for Edit, Delete, Find, Help commands (#74, #75)
  • Refactored JSON serialization/deserialization of recipe data (#86)
  • Refactored Add/Edit form (#197)
    • What it does:
      • Refactored Add/Edit forms to use the same underlying logic, instead of having separate implementations.
      • Reworked the execution of the resultant edit command from the Edit form to be triggered via a JavaFX event.
    • Justification: Add/Edit forms shared a lot of similar behaviour, so it was a suitable candidate for refactoring (in the spirit of DRY).
    • Credits: James for implementing the original Add/Edit forms.
  • Refactored regex parsing pipeline (#245)
    • What it does: Reworked parsing process so that regex validation for RecipeDuration and RecipePortion is only done once.
    • Justifcation: Previous implementation of the parsers repeated the same regex validation at multiple stages of the parsing process, which is redundant.
  • Fixed and assisted others in fixing non-trivial UI and Logic bugs (#189, #245, #257)
    • What it does: Added fixes for window resizing, error message propagation, command parsing, and recipe card highlighting for selected recipes.
    • Justification: Bug fixes improve RIZZipe’s user experience

Project management:

  • Moved user stories to GitHub
  • Set up skeleton issues in every iteration
  • Created release for v1.3


  • User Guide:
    • Tidied up and standardised formatting
    • Added field summary for recipe and ingredients
    • Added styling for <kbd> tags
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added user profile
    • Improved developer guide based on peer feedback (#259)
    • Added documentation for Storage component (#130, #139)
    • Added documentation for “Find-by-property” feature (#139)
    • Tidied up and standardised formatting
    • Added and formatted UAT section
  • Code Quality and Code Style:
    • Cleaned up code quality and style for release v1.2 (#80)
    • Refactored multiple components of the code to improve code quality (see above)



  • Integrated a new dependency (jackson-datatype-jdk8) to the project (#86)